Investment studies and business plans

Production of investment studies and business plans is our specialty. Submitting applications for EU funding often requires the creation of investment studies and all loans above HRK 700,000 require the creation of an investment study. Business plans are required as part of the documentation when granting loans up to HRK 700,000, guarantees or guarantees from commercial banks, HBOR, HAMAG-BICRO and the like.

These studies help the company itself to define its long-term plans, goals, vision, mission and position in the market. Key Project has developed a system of data verification (checkpoints) that guarantees the accuracy of the information in the documentation. However, the mathematical accounting part is only one part of the study design, since great importance must be paid to market and competition analysis, the analysis of the entrepreneur and the management structure of the entrepreneur, and the analysis of the letter of intent or cooperation agreement that the entrepreneur possesses.

Investicijska studija

Investicijska studija - izrađuje se po definiranim parametrima institucije za koju je namijenjena.

Sadržaj investicijske studije prilagoodgovara zahtjevima HBOR-a, Ministarstva gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva te parametrima koje definiraju ostale poslovne banke ili EU projekti.

Poslovni plan

Poslovni planovi se koristi za dobivanje kredita kod investicija manje vrijednosti (često do 700.000 kn).

Popularni su krediti HBOR-a, HAMAG-BICRA, a često i banke imaju povoljne opcije.

Sadržaj i metodologija izrade prilagođavaju se potrebama korisnika i zahtjevima kreditne institucije.

Studija izvedivosti s Analizom troškova i koristi

Studija izvedivosti s Analizom troškova i koristi

Studija se koristi često za projekte kod kojih nije ključna financijska analiza, već ekonomske koristi imaju velik ulogu u odlučivanju o prihvatljivosti projekta za ulaganje.

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

Content of the publication / broadcast material is the sole responsibility of Key Project d.o.o.